The Joy of Giving

Speaker: Rev. Elbern G. Latorilla
(November 17, 2019)

Read: 1 Chronicles 29:9-20


Introduction: David dreamed of building a magnificent temple for God. However, the LORD dashed his dream because of his bloody hands. The privilege of building that was given his son, Solomon. to make sure that the work be done, David prepared all that was needed to accomplish the project. He, his leaders and the people gave-and how! They experienced the joy of giving. David gives us insights as to have the same joy.

  1. They were but ________________ of God’s goos (vs. 11-14,16)
    God owns everything

  2. They were but _______________ on earth (v. 15)
    They could carry nothing when they leave this life.

  3. They were giving from ________________ hearts (vs. 17, 18)
    The opportunity to give was a test of the character of their devotion to the Lord.