A Yearning For God

By Sian Kiara Saria

Before you read this article, let us pray together.

Abba Father, 

We thank You that we can go to You for wisdom without reproach. 

There is so much in this world that confuses us. 

Lead us in your truth and teach us,

For You are the God of our salvation.

I pray this in your Son’s most precious name, 


We are about to tread into waters of discomfort, into a world with conflict and things unknown. 

We are going to talk about Mental Health; since today, March 2nd is ‘Teen Mental Health Awareness Day’. 

Now, I hope your heart is ready. 

You must note, this is not an academic article. 

This is merely a short conversation between you and me and hopefully between you and God. 

This is only the start of many moments of learning and unlearning. 

In this conversation, we will learn about where we can begin. 

  1. Firstly, how do we define mental health?

Often, mental health and mental illness are words used interchangeably. However, they are two very different things. Likewise to how health relates to well-being, so does mental health. Thus, mental health pertains to the well-being of our emotional and psychological state. If a physically healthy person is characterized by feeling less tired, having longer endurance and are less vulnerable to diseases then, a mentally healthy person is a person who is able to think clearly, work effectively and are at peace. However, these two examples can exist either way. 

2. What then, is a ‘mental illness/disorder’?

We will not poke into the nitty-gritty of this term however, we can begin by understanding that it is often a result of poor mental health. The consequences of poor mental health are far from the control of the individual thus, disrupting day-to-day functioning. These include Major Depressive Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and more. 

These things are serious and we invite you to take action with caution. It is never a bad thing to do what is good and seek Biblical counsel on this matter. Pastor Solomon Reyes is more than willing to receive your questions and concerns about mental health and mental illnesses. You may find his contact details listed at the end of this article. 

3. No, I mean, what does ‘mental illness’ really mean? How would followers of Christ define this?

Eternity has been put into our hearts by God (Ecclesiastes 3:11) and it is all we long to beat for. Our hearts cannot stop pumping for the purposes of God. 

Our hearts were made for God to fill. 

Mental illness or a prolonged state of mental distress is often rooted in the yearning of God in our hearts misplaced with the things of this world. It becomes distorted and perverted when we walk in the counsel of the wicked and stand in the way of sinners, and sit in the seat of scoffers (Psalm 1). 

Take it like this: A distressed mental state is the bodily manifestation of our soul’s yearning for God. 

4. So, what now? Where do I go from here? 

I do not know where you are right now, dear reader, but I do know that God knows. 

He is where you go. 

Abide in Him. 

Proverbs 3:5-8 says, 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, 

And do not lean on your own understanding. 

In all your ways acknowledge him, 

And He will make straight your paths. 

Be not wise in your own eyes;

Fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.

It will be healing to your flesh 

and refreshment to your bones.

I am sure that at this point, many of your questions are still left unanswered. 

You must remember that this is an ongoing conversation between you and God first, then hopefully you and I, in the following entries to come. 

If you know someone who is struggling with their mental health, I invite you to find your wisdom and understanding in God first. I encourage you to take on the perspective that this individual you know is experiencing something real and is in need of Jesus. Wear the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18); have your arms open in embrace and have ready ears to listen. Lastly, apply yourself to the great work of prayer. 

That is all for today.

It was a lovely time to have had this conversation with you. 

To many more!

If you would like to speak to more, contact Pastor Solomon Reyes at sreyes@cabctoronto.org