Free from the Bondage of Addiction, Completely Free from the Bondage of Sin

By Cassie Lopez

On Sunday, January 19th, 2020, I had the privilege of listening to what God has been doing in the lives of two women who are a part of the Teen Challenge Canada program. 

Addiction is difficult. It takes more than just a help group and rehabilitation centres to refrain from addictions. These people needed Jesus Christ. This is exactly what Teen Challenge Canada does. The testimonies of these women were stories of addiction to drugs, alcohol and ultimately sin, which is the root of it all. They were lost in the depths of sadness, and the feeling of being unwanted in this world. By the grace of God, He saved them through the revealing of His Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross for them. God broke them from the bonds of addiction and now they continue to pursue God and get help through this program.

Teen Challenge Canada is a blessing. It was heart moving and deeply encouraging to see what God does through the broken and the weak. The Teen Challenge team continues to share the gospel with those who are lost all around Canada while helping them with their rehabilitation as they recenter the issues of their addiction to the bigger issue of the heart, the need for redemption through Christ.

To God be the glory forever and forever. Amen.